Cookie and Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is intended to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with this data. This is important not only to ensure the security of your personal data but also to ensure that Højmark Turistfart complies with all conditions related to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that came into effect on May 25, 2018.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR establishes new frameworks for how personal data is processed and how we respect the right to privacy. The purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation is to strengthen and unify data protection rules and rights for the benefit of EU citizens. It applies to all EU organizations and organizations outside the EU (of any size) that provide goods and services to the EU or use tracking technologies (such as cookies or tracking pixels) to monitor the behavior of EU users.


1. Personal Information - What we collect and why

We offer certain features on the website that are only available through the use of the following tracking technologies. You can always block, delete, or disable these technologies if your browser allows it. However, if you reject cookies or similar technologies, you may not be able to use certain features or tools.

In general, these technologies allow our website to store relevant information in your browser or device and later retrieve this information so that our servers or internal systems can identify you. Where relevant, we protect our cookies and other similar technologies to ensure that only we and/or our authorized service providers can interpret them by assigning them a unique identification constructed for our interpretation.


1.1 Cookies

By using this website, you accept our cookie policy.

This website, like many others, uses cookies. Cookies ensure that we can provide a better user experience in the website's features. Many features on the website depend on the use and storage of cookies, so you may not expect the website to function as intended if you disable cookies.

We process information collected by cookies and other technologies as non-personal information. To the extent that IP addresses or similar identifiers are considered personal information under the law, we also treat these identifiers as personal information.

Similarly, we treat combined information as personal information in connection with this privacy policy, to the extent that non-personal information is combined with personal information.


1.2.1 What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that the browser places on your computer. It allows recognizing your computer and remembering choices you have made on the website, such as language selection. A cookie cannot spread computer viruses or other harmful programs. Cookies delete themselves after a certain number of months (can vary), but they renew after each visit. The cookie cannot see who you are, what your name is, where you live, or whether the computer is used by one or more persons. However, if you provide personal information to a website, a cookie can be used to remember you for your next visit to the website.


1.2.2 This website uses the following cookies:

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are necessary for the vast majority of websites to function as intended. They ensure, for example, that you do not constantly get logged out of the website you are visiting.

Technical cookies are essential and are always enabled.


appCurrentDomainId - 1 year

Saves the ID of the current domain, which is used to control the language

cookieSafe - 6 months

Contains an encrypted copy of selected third party cookies so they are not lost if they are removed by the browser.

vmcms - Is deleted when the browser is closed.

The website uses this cookie to identify the visitor across pages under the visit.

Cookie settings

vm-gdpr - 1 Month

Used to remember the choices taken under Cookie Settings.

vm-gdpr-accept - 1 Month

Specifies whether cookie settings have been reviewed / accepted.


Statistical cookies

Statistical cookies help developers optimize the website by collecting information about which pages are most popular and which pages seem to be less favored by users. This enables improvement of the website and user-friendliness.

Statistical cookies are also used to gather general visit statistics through simple counting.

They usually have little or no impact on your privacy, as they do not record what is searched for on other websites.

Google Analytics

_ga - Expires after 2 years

This cookie from Google is used to monitor traffic on our site and track the number of visits of each visitor, the time of the first visit, the previous visit and the current visit.

_ga_* - 1 year

The functionality is: to store and count pageviews.


Marketing cookies

Marketing cookies are commercially used to target specific advertisements to you.

They collect information about your behavior on individual websites, creating an overview of interests, habits, and activities that can be utilized for advertising purposes.


_gcl_au - 3 months

The purpose of this cookie is to optimise the functionality on the website

Bing Ads

_uetsid - Session

This cookie is set by Bing. The purpose is to track conversions across the website.

_uetvid - 13 months

The functionality is:to store and track visits across websites.


Personalized cookies

Personalized cookies collect information about your behavior on the website and can help suggest other pages, news, or products for you based on the things you have shown interest in.

Personalized cookies are not used for marketing purposes elsewhere on the internet.

This website does not use any cookies in this category


Cookie settings

1.2.3 How to Avoid the Use of Cookies on Websites?

Regardless of which browser you use, you can adjust the browser settings so that it does not store cookies. Some browsers only allow you to adjust this setting on specific websites.

If you do not wish to receive or delete cookies, see instructions here:


1.3 Tag Manager

We constantly strive to improve the customer experience on our website by providing visitors with more personalized and targeted campaigns and offers. To achieve this, we use Google Tag Manager (GTM).

GTM is a small piece of code that helps us track user behavior across our websites and then pushes the data to our Google Analytics account. Then, all data is perfectly organized and ready to assess and review potential improvements to the website and remarketing campaigns.

We consider Google to be a third-party data processor (see section 2 below).


1.4 Contact Forms

If you choose to contact us using a contact form on our website, your information is stored in our backend, compiled into an email, and then sent to us via SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).

The information in the email is, if relevant, transferred to our CRM system. The data will then be associated with an existing account with a similar email or created as a new contact.

There may be a follow-up on the inquiry, and therefore, we reserve the rights to store contact information until the event is concluded.

We do not disclose your information to third parties.


2. Our Third-Party Data Processor

We use a third party to process personal data on our behalf. These third parties have been carefully selected. Read more on their respective websites.


Google (Privacy Policy)


3. Data Breach

We will report any illegal data breach of this website's database or databases from any of our third-party data processors to all relevant individuals and authorities within 72 hours after the breach, if it appears that personal information stored in an identifiable manner has been stolen.


4. Data Management

Data management on this website is controlled by: Holstebro Turistbusser ApS with CVR number 35386327.

Holstebro Turistbusser ApS
Rasmus Færch vej 28
7500 Holstebro

Phone: 97 42 76 76


5. Right of Access and to be Forgotten

Contact us if you want to request access to your personal information stored in our databases or if you want your personal data deleted from our databases. We will respond without undue delay (and in any case within one month of receiving your request, although this may be extended in difficult cases).

Holstebro Turistbusser ApS
Rasmus Færch vej 28
7500 Holstebro

Phone: 97 42 76 76

When a privacy question or a request for access/download is received, we have a dedicated team that sorts contacts and seeks to address the specific concern or request. If your issue is more substantial, we may contact you for more information.


6. Questions Regarding Privacy and Cookie Policy

If you have questions or concerns regarding the privacy policy or data processing, or if you want to complain about a possible violation of privacy protection legislation, please contact us:

Holstebro Turistbusser ApS
Rasmus Færch vej 28
7500 Holstebro

Phone: 97 42 76 76

When a privacy question or a request for access/download is received, we have a dedicated team that sorts contacts and seeks to address the specific concern or request. If your issue is more substantial, we may contact you for more information.